Rear Upright Failures on a Birkin S3 IRS Model

Thursday, March 8th 2007, 13:21 GMT+11:00

PRB Australia has recently issued a Safety Bulletin regarding “Rear Upright Failures on a Birkin S3 IRS Model”.  This particular vehicle has had two failures on the racetrack which are inconsistent with data from other vehicles used both on the road and in competition use.

We have just received the subject uprights from PRB.  Birkin are currently testing these uprights (which have previously been modified/repaired) and comparing them to components from a vehicle engaged in normal road use, to determine the cause of failure.

As a precaution, IRS cars should not be driven in high load situations including motorsport or rough road usage until the factory has reviewed the failure and provided advice as to the relevance of this failure or alternatively a potential fix.

Please contact us for further information.

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